Find your community abroad

Find your community

Fuse connects you with like minded students based on your profile and interests.

Do you want to connect with all newly arrived Spanish students in Singapore? With everyone who is looking for housing in Amsterdam? or maybe all international students who want to go for a drink at the beach in Paris this weekend? No worries, we got you!

Spanish in Singapore

476 members

Student Drinks Paris

2300 members

Find a Room Mate Amsterdam

476 members

Meet like minded people for Anything, Anywhere, Anytime.

How Fuse helps thousands of students


1M+ chat messages


80% lead collection success rate from us


150M+ prospects data of various emails


Company data on 20M+ businesses

A community platform designed for students abroad

Each tool is a powerful solution to a specific sales problem. When used together, they’re a game changer. Find verified professional email addresses from Linkedin in seconds.

Active in all major student cities

Whether it is moving to a new country, starting at university, or just beginning a new hobby we connect you to the most relevant community of like minded people.

Support with finding a home

We experienced firsthand how challenging it is to find a new home when moving abroad. Therefore, we are here to help. We have communities that will help you find a roommate, and partners that make it easy to find a home.

Vibrant Events & Community

Join a wide variety of events & activities, from early morning hikes to late night rooftop parties, you will find it on Fuse. You can even host your own events on our platform.

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